Tonight I’m running the workshop Thought Alchemy: how to transform negativity overwhelm and struggle into strength, and as you might expect, I’ve been having a lot of conversations this week about how our thoughts mean everything.

What you think is important because it can quite literally change your quality and quantity of life. Studies have determined that people who have a positive view of ageing (with age comes wisdom, I’m looking forward to retirement) will both live longer (7.6 years on average) and in better health than those with a negative view of ageing.

What you think is important because, if you think that people are inherently trustworthy you are likely to live longer than people with a more cynical view of humanity.

What you think is important because the belief that stress is harmful is a life-limiting factor. In one study, experiencing a high level of stress with a belief that stress was harmful increased the risk of dying by 43% - whilst those who experienced a high level of stress but did not believe that stress was harmful were least likely to die, even less of a risk that those who didn’t experience stress.

(All three of these statistic sets are drawn from Kelly McGonigal’s The Upside of Stress. Click this link, buy it and read it immediately. It’s an affiliate link so I’ll receive a kickback on this and anything else you purchase using this link, but I’d recommend it even if it cost me money. Read it.)

What you think is important, because it defines your reality. Not only do you respond to the world around you according to your thoughts and beliefs (which really, are just fancier and more deeply ingrained thoughts), but you actually see more of what you expect to see, therefore your thoughts are reflected back at you.

Remember this guy?

He’s my reminder that you see what you expect to see, can’t avoid the things you so desperately want to avoid, and can crave a mint all at the same time.

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, boop his snoot (in english: click on the image) for my blog that will take you through cognitive filtering, ironic process theory, maladaptive coping strategies and the upper limit problem.

What you think is important because you can’t stop thinking it.

What you think is important because, by the act of thinking it, you will see more of it.

What you think is important because it is transmitted even when you desperately try not to. We can read what you’re thinking in your verbal language, body language, eye contact and the way in which you (do, or do not) show up.

What you think is important because if you can wholeheartedly get behind the thing that you are selling I will see your genuine excitement and thrill, your confidence that this thing will help me,your absolute fervour, and as an empathetic person, I’ll get on board.

What you think is important because, unless you think it can change, it never will. This isn’t some jedi mind trick, it’s simply a case of not exploring your full potential if you believe that you can never reach it. If it’s impossible, you won’t spend time on it. If it’s something to be played with, play you will.

Finally, what you think is important because you have so much more power over it than you realised. Your thinking defines your reality, the people who you hang around with, the way that you are treated, what you receive and give. It affects your friendships, relationships, bank balance, career, health, happiness.

It is the bedrock of your stress response, ability to turn the tide when you’re struggling, it is the basis of resilience.

And it needs nothing more than a little knowledge and application to start using it to your benefit instead of being a slave to that nasty, negative little voice in your head.

Join me tonight at 8pm (or reserve a seat and catch the replay as soon as it’s uploaded tomorrow) for an hour focusing on what you think and how to make that work for you. You’ll also get 7 days of unlimited follow up with me, helping you to integrate it every step of the way.

And what’s more, you can join for just £12.50 today, and if you want to upgrade to the full Grit and Resilience bundle later on, I’ll discount your upgrade by the cost of this workshop.

Want to find out more and join us? Click here for all the details
