Here we go again. Monday morning.

Have you done it already? Bargained with yourself to make it through the day, found a treat to bribe yourself.

If I can make it through today I'll get the nice dinner on the way home, I'll book the holiday, I'll open that bottle of wine.

Anything to abate the slow gnaw of dread in your stomach, the feeling of nausea rising as a result of the exhaustion you feel, the worry of what you'll encounter today, what shit you'll have to deal with.

And deal with it you will, with a fucking smile on your face to boot because, can't let anyone know just how much this is killing you each Monday morning.

Feeling overwhelmed. Feeling stuck. Feeling trapped by the responsibility and struggle.

I'll bet that you didn't notice the beautiful hot pink of the sky during this morning's sunrise. That you didn't stop for a moment to reflect on the beauty all around you, of the moments of pure joy and peace that are there.

Because it's Monday morning.
Head down, coffee in hand.
Get ready to grind, to push, to struggle.

Can I share a secret with you Leah? It wasn't meant to be this way for you.

You're smart. You work hard. You aspire for more. You care about people.

So why did you think that it was ok to accept the status quo?

I'm not saying change the world, I'm saying, change the way you approach it.

Build in those moments of joy.

Appreciate the smell of your coffee before you throw it down your neck in need of a boost.

Stop and inhale the fresh morning scent, admire the sunset and wonder at just how small you are in comparison to the universe and, by extension, just how small your worries are. How easy they are to resolve. 

Believe that the universe is working for you and not against you and that if you just ease your grip, relax a touch, that today won't be nearly as difficult or demanding or of a struggle as you imagine it would be.

That you'll deal with whatever comes up, knowing that no matter what, you are safe and secure, happy and healthy, just as you are and t hat nothing, I repeat, NOTHING that happens today can change that.

Keep breathing. You've got this.

Take care of yourself

Searching for Serenity

PS - Do you want to feel this way every single day? Want to learn how to relax, let go, master those negative feelings when the fear rises? I will be talking to you about all this and more during the Saturday Soiree lunch and learn on 6th May 2017.

What better way to learn and really integrate these lessons than in a beautiful boutique hotel, in exquisitely decorated surroundings, during an indulgent lunch and finishing with a prosecco toast.

You are worth this and so much more Leah

I have managed to secure a new, revised price from our venue (you can take the girl out of law but you can't quite take the lawyer skills out of the girl!) but it will be available for this week only.

There are now only 8 places remaining for 3 hours of training plus a gorgeous hot and cold lunch, prosecco reception (and maybe even time for a cheeky cocktail in the bar before you hop on your train home) for only £97 (your own travel arrangements not included).

These places will be filled, my only question is, will you join us?

Click the link below to reserve your place!